Do Charter Buses Have Wifi and Outlets?

In today’s high-tech world, we carry our devices with us wherever we go. Especially when we travel, we expect to use those devices to keep us connected with our families, our friends and the rest of the world.

If you’re like the average American who’s never without their device and plan to rent a charter bus, you’re probably asking these questions:

  • Do charter buses have WiFi?
  • Do charter buses have outlets?


You’ll be pleased to know that when you book your charter bus trip with Atlantic Coast Charters, the answer to both questions is yes!

Dedicated to our customers’ satisfaction, we include superior amenities on our modern charter buses, including 110v outlets and free WiFi. Whether you’re riding on one of our 34- , 47- or 55-seat buses, you’ll have access to these valuable amenities to help make your trip more convenient, as well as enjoyable.

No matter if you book a charter bus for a one-day shopping experience or an overnight business trip, you’ll appreciate the handy outlets and WiFi access available on our buses. Let’s look at some of the ways outlets and WiFi can help you make the most of your charter bus trip.

School Field Trips

Having lived in a high-tech world their entire lives, kids are virtually attached to their devices. Most elementary-age students carry cell phones, even if they’re not connected to the Internet. An educational field trip is the ideal opportunity for students of all ages to take photos at a museum or a national monument. You want to be sure their phones are fully charged for these moments, so we provide outlets on our buses for that purpose.

Even older kids quickly become bored on long bus rides, so why not let them take along their tablets to catch up on their homework? We provide convenient WiFi connection on our buses to keep the kids busy and quiet during the entire ride.


When you book a charter bus for a wedding, you want to make sure you’re guests have access to outlets and wifi, especially if they’ll be on the bus for a longer time. They’ll appreciate this convenience, and you’ll appreciate all the pictures they take with their fully charged phones! 

Corporate Outings

If you’re planning a corporate event and providing bus transportation for your team, you’ll definitely want to make sure they can stay connected on the go! With wifi and outlets, the team can turn a long bus trip into a productive day, or they can use these amenities to help them relax and entertain themselves on the way to the event. 

Book Your Charter With Us

Whether you need charter bus transportation for a school or a church event, a theater trip or any other occasion, you don’t need to worry about not having access to wifi or outlets when booking through Atlantic Coast Charters. We offer these amenities, along with many others, on all our buses. Request a quote from us for your next charter bus rental today!


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